Travel Resources

Maps & transportation

Getting around Atlanta is a breeze (and getting here is, too). Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport is a quick two-hour flight for more than 80 percent of the country’s population and directly accessible via non-stop flights from more than 150 U.S. cities and 75 international destinations on six continents. From baggage claim, you’re less than 20 minutes from Atlanta’s convention and entertainment district, with easy public transportation via MARTA or taxis, limos and shuttles. 

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Learn more about MARTA’s group and convention pass program


With such an amazing variety of things to do in Atlanta, we’ve put together some itineraries and travel tips to help your attendees make the most of their time in our city, including top suggestions for entertainment, attractions, cultural venues, tours, dining and shopping. We also provide special offers for attendees and exhibitors, including Savings in the City and CityPASS.

View the Itineraries

Ambassador force

Visiting Downtown Atlanta and can’t figure out where you are on Peachtree Street? Or if it’s even the right Peachtree? Not to worry, help is right around the corner.

One of the 67 friendly Ambassador Force members will provide directions, and even escort you to your destination.

Learn more about the Ambassador Force

Visitor Information Center

Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau manages one visitor information center conve­niently located in Centennial Olympic Park to provide additional assistance to your attendees. The center is staffed by knowledgeable Atlantans, and they are happy to assist you. 

Learn more about Atlanta’s Visitor Center

Visitor guides

Get your attendees excited about Atlanta before they even arrive. Choose from our variety of promotional brochures, including Atlanta Now magazine, 50 Fun Things to See and Do in Atlanta brochure, Peachtree Connects neighborhood guide and the Atlanta Heritage Guide to start promoting your upcoming meeting. These brochures are also available for purchase in large quantities for groups hosting events in Atlanta.

View all Atlanta Visitor Guides

Discover Atlanta app

Boost meeting attendance by showcasing Atlanta events, dining and nightlife options to your attendees. A customized link will enable attendees to install the app with the user pre-profiled to receive content of interest to a meeting experience. There is also the ability to send push notifications to those with the app installed, such as logistical changes happy hour deals or exclusive offers to your group.

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Get to know Atlanta, and discover the best things to do around the city.